10: did you know about African penguins?
Did You Know : African Penguins, scientifically known as Spheniscus demersus , are a unique species that belong to the banded group of penguins. They are also referred to as Black-footed Penguins or Jackass Penguins. These penguins have a distinctive appearance, with a weight ranging from 3.0 kg to 3.3 kg and a height of about 60 cm. Unfortunately, African Penguins are classified as endangered, with a decreasing population trend. They primarily inhabit regions in Namibia and South Africa, where they feed on a diet consisting of anchovy, sardines, bearded goby, horse mackerel, juvenile hake, redeye, and occasionally cephalopods and crustaceans. Did You Know : The African Penguin is the only penguin species out of 17 that resides on the African continent and its surrounding islands. These penguins have adapted to their environment, displaying unique behaviors and characteristics. African Penguins are known for their comical movements on land and their agility in the water, where they ca...